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Scarlet Crustacea

Red Spiny King Crab

Scarlet Crustacea is the final character in the of the main three Deep Sea Divas. Inspired by the red spiny king crab, her look is spiky with a lot of edge. Unlike the softness of the other two main characters, Scarlet wears primarily sharp, pointed, and geometric shapes. Paired with a dark red and black color scheme, Scarlet has a very bold and pointed style that makes her stand out. Scarlet is an astrology nerd and is in tune with her inner cancer. She wears her heart on her sleeve and can be very emotional. Her emotional nature can be a strength and a weakness. It makes her very loyal and empathetic to those around her. It can make her the person who always stands up for and looks out for her friends. However, it also  causes her to be quite moody. Scarlet enjoys comfortable spaces, and is always working to add even more pillows and blankets to her living space


Mood Board

Scarlet Crustacea

Character and Accessories

Scarlet Crustacea

Detailed Illustration

All Work Belongs to Kennedy Catrina Fleck, Copyright 2023 

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