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Victoria C. Dragon

Leafy Sea Dragon

Victoria C. Dragon is the second character of the Deep Sea Divas core line. She is based on the leafy sea drag. Her first name comes from Victoria, Australia where sea dragons live. Her color palette consists of oranges and yellows, the colors of the leafy sea dragon. This is paired with blues which appear on the leafy sea dragon under certain lighting and green, the color of their kelp habitat. Her fashion consists of lots of fringe and movement paired with a sleek fit, inspired partly by Bob Mackie. This goes along with the movement of the sea dragon as well as her personality as a dancer. Victoria loves music and dance, and often has a go with the flow attitude. However, her heavy creative mind often causes her to be independent and work on her own. While this is good, she struggles with asking others for help, even when she needs it.


Mood Board

Victoria C. Dragon

Character and Accessories

Victoria C. Dragon

Detailed Illustration

All Work Belongs to Kennedy Catrina Fleck, Copyright 2023 

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